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HOPE for a better Future: Building Collaborative Resilience in Liberia

Hope for a better Future (HOPE) is a 5-year USAID-funded locally led peacebuilding and capacity strengthening program designed to boost the resilience of individuals and their communities to address prolonged social trauma that has inhibited peace and progress in Liberia for more than four decades. Implemented in three counties and nine locations, HOPE has three distinct priorities:

  1. Psychosocial Health – individuals strengthen emotional control, address psychosocial challenges, create dreams, set goals, and share those with their communities.
  2. Conflict Resolution – participants work together to pursue their dreams and create better, peaceful futures for themselves and their communities.
  3. Peacebuilding – community residents and prime actors create an environment in which collaboration and conflict resolution initiatives flourish.

To implement HOPE, TRENDS Global partners with the School of Conflict Management, Peacebuilding and Development at Kennesaw State University, the Kofi Annan Institute for Conflict Transformation (KAICT), the National Coalition for Justice, Peace and Caritas (NCJPC), and Sovereignty First.